Hildegard Program Oct 6 2019
Hildegard of Bingen: Her Life, Art and Music
TriCordium Voces (Voices from the Heart): Sunday, Oct. 6, 3 p.m.
$15 advance tickets at Eventbrite online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hildegard-of-bingen-her-music-tickets-72464921531?aff=erelexpmlt.
Hildegard of Bingen embarked on one of the most creative outpourings in history after a mystical experience in her early forties.
Back Lane Studios, 9 Neepawa Ave., Toronto
$20 at the door, or $40 for three lectures, in advance, on Eventbrite
info@backlanestudios.ca or call 647-313-1654
This concert/program will feature a number of melodic chant compositions from Hildegard’s 70-song cycle known as the “Celestial Harmonies”. Additionally, to celebrate Hildegard’s diversity as a highly accomplished poet, writer and visionary, readings will be presented based on her mystical poetry, medical writings from “Physica”, and the use of Hildegard’s music within the monastic setting. Themes of the ‘living light’ illuminating all, the ‘fiery essence’ of the holy spirit cleansing all, ‘viriditas’ or greening power, divine wisdom, and ‘healing through wholeness’ are an integral part of Hildegard’s opus. Trio Cordium Voces has created special arrangements of these songs, featuring solos, trios and instrumental music to highlight the relationship of text and music.
Medieval musicians Krystina Lewicki (voice, bandura plucked strings), Linda Falvy (voice, bells, bowed strings) and Rebecca Enkin (voice, recorder) first met while singing with Cantores Celestes Women’s Choir. They share a love of sacred chant, especially the mystical compositions of Hildegard von Bingen. Trio Cordium Voces bring a mix of historically informed medieval performance practices and vibrant sounds of recreated medieval instruments to revitalize the spirit of Hildegard’s music.
After more than 800 years in obscurity, Hildegard of Bingen has in recent years caught the modern imagination. Back Lane Studios has featured the 12thcentury abbess in our Extraordinary Women Series at the Revue Cinema, and on each occasion, audience members expressed the wish to learn more about this remarkable polymath and her work. She composed music, poetry and the first known morality play; she wrote theological books and was the only medieval woman to preach openly to a mixed audience; she also explored the sciences – medicine, botany and cosmology.
In a series of three Sunday afternoon lectures at our studio at 9 Neepawa Ave., we will look more closely at her life, the art in her manuscripts and her music. Space is limited. Tickets for all three lectures: $40 In advance on Eventbrite. Buy tickets to the first lecture only: $15 on Eventbrite. Tickets at the door, if available: $20 each lecture. Coffee or tea are included.